41°01'25" N | 73°35'30" W


  • More info - wind chill, etc (opens new window)

RYC's weather station

Our "personal weather station" (PWS) collects wind speed and direction, temperature, barometric, humidity, and dew point data and publishes it to internet weather services every five minutes.

1. See our data shared through to other services

  • Any personal device such as the framed Yardarm Bar Display tablet located on the port side of the bar. Give it a minute for the data to load. The data is refreshed every 5 minutes. The gust info is based on a 15 minute rolling window.

       You can copy the display URL to access the same display on your mobile or on a device at home.  

 2. Get a forecast from SailFlow/WindAlert

This display uses the SailFlow-WRF forecast model

 3. See alternative predictions based on forecast model(s) you select

Questions or suggestions? contact Will Morrison