41°01'25" N | 73°35'30" W


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Sun 7 / 1Mon 7 / 2Tue 7 / 3Wed 7 / 4Thu 7 / 5Fri 7 / 6Sat 7 / 7
  420/Laser/Feva JSA Law Trophy at Indian Harbor
420/Laser/Feva JSA Law Trophy at Indian Harbor
MP: Red, White & Blue
  420/Laser/Feva JSA Eastern Districts Noroton/Norwalk
MP: S'mores Day
Sun 7 / 8Mon 7 / 9Tue 7 / 10Wed 7 / 11Thu 7 / 12Fri 7 / 13Sat 7 / 14
Opti Girls' Clinegatta at Noroton
Opti Girls' Clinegatta at Noroton
420 McIntyre Invitational Team Race at SUNY
420 McIntyre Invitational Team Race at SUNY
MP: Critter Caravan
420 McIntyre Invitational Team Race at SUNY
Feva Invitational at Pequot
Feva Invitational at Pequot
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