41°01'25" N | 73°35'30" W

RDDA Clinic- Starts and Rounding

Event Date: Saturday, November 1, 2014
Event Time: 9:30 am
Event Category / Group: Frostbiting/RDDA / Sailing



RDDA Start Tactics Clinic

Saturday November 1st



  • What is the highest probability way to win an RDDA race?  Our own Sailing Director Nicky Souter will run a starting tactics clinic designed for both expert and newer sailors.  On the water we will divide the group into Division One and Division Two starting drills.  Schedule is as follows:
    • Rig boats in advance
    • 9:30am Chalk Talk in Ticonderoga Room
    • 10am to 11:15am On the water clinic
    • 11:30am Debrief in the Clubhouse


  •  You must register for this free clinic IN ADVANCE.  Please contact [email protected] to register.  Those without boat access are welcome to participate in Chalk Talk and come out in a crash boat.