41°01'25" N | 73°35'30" W


Thank you for your interest in Riverside Yacht Club.   

Riverside Yacht Club is a neighborhood club, with the majority (but not all) of our members living in Riverside, Old Greenwich, or Cos Cob.  Our neighborhood focus contributes strongly to our deep culture of volunteerism and personal participation by members in the affairs of the club.  If you love to be on the water and have a passion for sailing or boating, volunteerism and a culture of respect and responsibility, then Riverside Yacht Club may be for you. 

Applicants for membership must be proposed and seconded by club members with supporting letters from other members.  If you are interested in becoming an applicant, you should begin by reaching out to any club member whom you know or sending us an email at [email protected].  We have members who are available to answer questions and explain the process to potential applicants.  We look forward to hearing from you.