TJ Stoker
Assistant Sailing Director

Email: [email protected]
Hometown and Club:
Pound Ridge, NYAmerican Yacht Club
Boston College '24Personal Bio:
I have been sailing for nine years, and I have sailed Optis, 420s and Lasers.My favorite sailing memory was two summers ago when I was sailing 420s. At the start of the summer, I was not a competitive sailor. Throughout the summer, my coaches kept encouraging me to become a better sailor, and that motivated me to learn and practice hard every day. In the last regatta of the summer, I was having a great race, and I remember looking over and seeing my coaches with a huge smile on their face. This was my favorite moment because it made my coaches so proud to see how far I had come.
I am looking forward to meeting a lot of new people. I am so excited to help pass on my knowledge of sailing to the next generation of sailors and have fun.