41°01'25" N | 73°35'30" W

Morning Program Policies

• It is your responsibility to notify your child’s head counselor and the camp director, A.J. Albano of any specific allergies, health or behavioral concerns regarding your child.

• We will accept two requests to place your child with their friends, and will make every effort to make sure your camper is placed in the same group with one of them.

• We will divide campers into camp groups based upon camper age, number of registrants, as well as staff to camper ratio to create a balanced and safe program.

• Children should be dropped-off at 9am (no earlier). 

• Please do not drop-off children without the adult counselor present.

• Camp ends at 12:00 noon. Our counselors have other obligations in the afternoon so please pick up your child(ren) promptly. We do charge a penalty for persistent late arrivers to pick-up. After 12:10pm, you must pick up your child(ren) at the Junior Clubhouse, not where your child normally meets.

• Head counselors need to be notified in advance (same morning is fine) if someone other than the parent/primary caregiver will be picking up the camper. Please do not assume that voicemails left for the Junior Clubhouse will be heard before pick-up time.

• For drop-off and pick-up, cars will be directed to drive around the tennis courts to keep children safe and for better traffic flow.

If you are unable to pick up your child, you must give a note to the head counselor stating a designated adult or caregiver who is authorized to do so.