41°01'25" N | 73°35'30" W

Jr. Morning Program Show and Art Exhibit

Event Date: Monday, August 9, 2021
Event End Date: 8/9/2021 12:00 am
Event Category / Group: Morning Program / Juniors

Junior Morning Program
Show and Art Exhibit

Monday, August 9
6:00pm (rain date of August 10)

Our campers will perform short dances and skits for their parents. Campers will wear their camp t-shirt or white. Please have campers meet their Head Counselor on the West Lawn (dance floor) by 5:45.

Children's artwork will be displayed and available for purchase (Suggested donation of $20). Money raised from the art show will benefit ROOM TO READ, a charity that builds libraries and schools across Asia and Africa to promote literacy. The RYC Morning Program has donated over $10,000 to this charity over the last 5 years. Stop by before the show to take home your child's artwork and benefit this charity. Art work can be purchased by cash, check, or Chit with member number.