Riverside Yacht Club

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Riverside Yacht Club 2024 Junior Sailing Pre-Season

Junior Sailing Pre-Season 2024

June 17, 18, 20, & 21
3:30pm - 5:30pm

Registration due by Wednesday, June 12th

We will once again be offering pre-season classes to kick off our Junior Sailing program this year. Pre-season classes are optional and included in your program fees. There will be one sessions daily, 3:30pm - 5:30pm. Junior Sailors are welcome to register for as many sessions as you would like. Advance registration is required. Please note that sessions are not progressive and there will be no pre-season classes on June 19th.

Please register below for Junior Sailing Pre-Season. To participate you must be enrolled in our summer Junior Sailing Program.

If you have any questions please contact Junior Sailing Chair, Melissa Chickering, or Junior Sailing Co-Chairs, John & Adie Edenbach, or Sailing Director, Samantha Labuzetta.

Contact Information

Sailor Registration

Pre-Season Sessions, 3:30pm - 5:30pm

* Bold Fields are Required