41°01'25" N | 73°35'30" W


2024-2025 RDDA Season!

The RDDA is Insta - abled! Please tag @RDDA_Riverside on all your photos or send them to Jeff Sahrbeck (917-679-5252) for posting.

If you plan on racing this season, please follow these steps:

  1. Register on Clubspot (you must register to receive a dock space. Assignments will be available on October 1st).
  2. To receive fleet communications, you must register at the RDDA Forum.
  3. Sign-up for Race Committee Service:  you are required to serve for two or three days, or more, regardless of how many days you will be able to race. RC service is a key part of our volunteer culture and is a requirement for qualification. Sign-up early to get your days you want.

Consider using the same contact information for Clubspot, RDDA forum, and Race Committee.

New Members:

  • If you are borrowing a boat, you will receive an email with your scoring (racing) number from the Score Keeper, Andrea Stone.
  • In order to be scored on a Sunday, you must be registered by noon on the prior Wednesday. However, you are welcome to serve on Race Committee, if you don't meet the deadline. 

Answers to Frequent Questions:

  • You do not need to be a member of RYC.
  • We encourage boat sharing.  Please use the RDDA Forum to contact members about sharing a boat.
  • If you any questions, contact RDDA Fleet Captains Chuck Zeigler and Jeff Sahrbeck.

Key Documents:

YRALIS Frostbiting Championship - March 15, 2025