41°01'25" N | 73°35'30" W

RDDA Team Racing Regatta

Event Date: Sunday, November 27, 2016
Event Time: 9:30 am
Event Category / Group: Frostbiting/RDDA / Sailing

The Annual Team Racing Regatta is one of the signature annual events in the RDDA, occurring the Sunday after Thanksgiving and offering a break from our normal fleet racing format. With help from Sailing Director Nicky Souter, we will form as many as eight teams of three boats and run a round robin, in which each team faces all the other teams in short races around a ‘Digital N’ course.

The winning team members earn an engraved spot on the perpetual trophy in the clubhouse; everyone gets a participation award!

We seek participation from 24 sailors in the fleet. Please contact your fleet captains to add your name to the list. We can be reached at [email protected].